If you can find a friend that challenges you. Stick with them. I'm not talking about petty challenges, like footraces or eating contests. If you have someone in your life that will question you, and make you constantly evaluate what you believe and why. Then you have one of the greatest treasures in this world. Here's what to look for in life-long friends.

Have friends that aren't afraid to call you out.
So many people think that friendship means absolute kindness and placation. Yes, friendship does mean being kind to, and supporting your friend. It's also means calling them out when they need it, and expecting the same treatment in return. You've become and stayed friends through mutual agreement on things like respect, honesty, and morality. Don't hesitate to call them out on a breach of those core values.

Have friends that argue with you.
Friends that regularly discuss difficult and challenging topics. Topics that force you to defend your beliefs, question theirs, and agree to disagree. Through this sort of interaction; camaraderie and respect is gained. It's also good practice for when your beliefs and values actually do come under attack. Similar to when lion cubs hunt insects to hone their hunting instincts, good-natured debates with your friends prepare you to stand-up for what you believe in.

Have friends that want to be somebody.
Nothing will make you motivated to achieve your own personal goals more, than watching your friends go out into the wide world and make something of themselves. It will ignite a fierce fire in your chest that can burn away all laziness and apathy. If you just let it. You'll discover and re-discover all the things you thought were impossible to do, actually aren't that hard. They just need a bit of work put into them (Pro Tip: Anything worthwhile takes a lot of work.)

If you know anyone that has one, or all three, of these traits. You've got yourself one keeper of a friend.


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