The short answer is Life. I want to try and portray to you in flimsy words, and inadequate pictures, not just my life, but Life in general. This blog isn't going to be about anything specific, and it's specifically not going to be about anything. Well no, one thing I specifically want to have in this blog is encouragement. We'll see what else develops down the line. Maybe I'll post a recipe I cooked while backpacking that was an instant classic among the crew. Maybe I'll write an article about the decline of politeness in this modern age. Maybe I'll post pictures of a recent adventure. Maybe I'll write about my internships. Maybe I'll write about auditioning, or life on set. Maybe I'll just ramble.

The point is I'm figuring out the whole Life deal just like you, so lets compare notes and talk it out. Long-form Twitter. Leave me a comment and we can discuss it in more than 120 characters. If you have anything you'd like to see me talk about, just let me know in the comments or go to the "About" tab.


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