We've all been there, the dead space between times of frenzied activity. The down time where that little voice lets you know constantly that you're time in the sun is done, or won't ever start. You may not know it, but this time is equally important to take advantage of ,maybe even more so, than the times when you're so busy you can't think.  Here's a list of things that have helped me.

1. Stop listening to that voice.
      It may sound obvious, but that little bugger whispering in your ear has to go. It's not helpful for productivity on your part, not to even mention moral. While you can't ever fully get rid of it, you can train yourself to block out what it's saying to you. Positive reinforcement people. You can, you can, you can. You're going to be amazed at how clear minded you are once that voice in muted, and how bright the future actually is.

2. Exercise.
     This is imperative. I get up early and exercise every day. Not only does it wake me up and get my blood pumping, but I feel so much better throughout the whole day, which in turn keeps me productive and ready to take on the world. You also eat healthier as a result. Who wants to ruin that awesome run you just had with poor diet choices? Besides, you're in-between work, you have the time to spare for a quick workout.

3. Pursue a hobby.
     Hobbies are great, because usually they tie-in to what you're wanting to pursue in your career. Find one and stick to it. If you're just starting something for the first time, know that you will be terrible to begin with and it's not a reflection of your abilities as a person.

4. Don't Compare.
    "Comparison is the thief of joy"- Theodor Roosevelt.

Ole Bullmoose had the right of it. If you start comparing; possessions, careers, whatever, all you will ever do is compare, and compare. To the point where you don't want to do anything anymore because this person already has this, and that person has this AND that. Just don't even go there.

5. Relax.
     Odds are you are too young to be worrying about your future and what's in store. I know I am. So relax and try not to. Fix what you can, better yourself for the future, and be a go-getter.That's about all you can do.


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